Tuesday, October 6, 2009

TWD- Split-Level Pudding

I admit I haven't had the best of luck making Dorie's recipes that have pudding or custards. I think they turn out too eggy. Unfortunately, it happened again with this one. The pudding, which is a vanilla (I did cinnamon) pudding on top of (or in my case surrounded by) chocolate ganache. It looks and sounds wonderful- the picture in the book looks fabulous. I thought the flavor was really good, but the cinnamon pudding was eggy. I also thought there were a lot of steps- put things in the food processor, take them out, put other things in, pour them out, cook, and put them back in, blah, blah....Sorry, does this post sound negative? Maybe it's because I'm out of town and it was SNOWING today. :) Check out Garrett's blog for the recipe!


  1. Snowing? That's much worse than eggy pudding. At least you have nice photos of the pudding!

  2. Snow!! What? I <3 snow....at least when I can go to the snow and come back home. :) Sorry this didn't turn out as well as you hoped!

  3. Where was it snowing? Your pudding looks great. Mine thickened in the pan, but then became liquid after I added the butter and vanilla. Go figure. Froze it and it tasted good. :}

  4. Too bad the pudding didn't work out for you. I like the glasses.

  5. Sorry the pudding part turned out eggy! I tried it with cinnamon too and loved the flavor combo. I'd love my pudding to be surrounded by the chocolate ganache! =)

  6. Mine wasn't eggy, but it never quite set up. Not my favorite.

  7. I also like the pudding surrounded by the ganache.

  8. mmmmm ganache surrounded pudding. sounds like the keys to my heart :)

  9. Sorry you didn't like it! Seems there are a lot of negative reviews for this one!
